Friday, August 31, 2007

TeaserFive. Pretty much an assortment of mostly bloopers from the '07 season. Featuring myself and other area riders. Unfortunately we never did film too much, and usually never when someone did something nice. But, reguardless, enjoy.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

About time.

Sorry its been. Well. A long time.

But this thing is not dead. To confess, the reason there werent any updates for the rest of Feb, is that about when I stopped blogging, Is when the park got insanely good. Seven foot quarterpipe, killer box, and the 3' high flat rail nearly got buried. It was, without a doubt, one awesome thing to have in your backyard.

But fall is here, And I will be posting up updates hopefully on a weekly basis. Oh yeah, 540 productions- Thats my video producing title. Movie comin out summer '08.

So yeah. Check back often. Like, tomorrow, then the next day, then the next day......